Press Releases & Statements

Sacramento, Calif. – The California State Senate approved legislation today to protect election workers by keeping their home addresses confidential. SB 1131, authored by Senator Josh Newman (D-Fullerton), passed with a 30-8-2 vote. The bill will stymie increasing harassment and violent threats directed at election workers.

Sacramento, Calif. — Legislation to ensure easy access to safe battery disposal passed the Senate Appropriations Committee today. SB 1215, authored by Senator Josh Newman, will create a statewide collection and recycling program for consumer batteries and battery-embedded products. This legislation is a reintroduction of SB 298, which stalled in Senate Appropriations last year.

Sacramento, Calif. — The Senate Environmental Quality Committee passed legislation today on a 5-2 vote to ensure that Californians may easily dispose of expended batteries and products.

Sacramento, Calif. — The California Senate Elections Committee today passed a pair of bills, authored by Senator Josh Newman, to uphold the rectitude of elections.

Both bills, SB 921 and SB 1131, seek to buttress the pillar of American democracy and passed with no "no" votes.

Sacramento, Calif. – On Wednesday, April 6, amidst celebrations of California Hydrogen Week, Senator Josh Newman (D-Fullerton), along with a coalition of legislators and hydrogen car drivers, announced plans to quadruple the number of hydrogen fueling stations across the state (VIDEO).

Sacramento, Calif. — Legislation to improve access to rental housing for California’s low-income pet owners passed out of the Senate Housing Committee today with a 6-0 vote. SB 971, authored by Senator Josh Newman (D-Fullerton), will expand pet-inclusive policies for housing financed through the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program.

Sacramento, Calif. — The California State Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Water approved legislation today to create a conservation corps dedicated to restoration and climate resiliency work along the California Coast. SB 1036, authored by Senator Josh Newman (D-Fullerton), passed with a unanimous, bipartisan vote.

SACRAMENTO – Today, Senator Josh Newman (D-Fullerton), Chair of the Senate’s Special Committee on Pandemic Emergency Response, and Senator Dr. Richard Pan (D-Sacramento), Chair of the Senate’s Health Committee, held a joint-informational hearing with experts and the public on the devastating reach and impact of “Post COVID Syndrome”, also known as Long COVID, the disproportionate impact it has had on California’s diverse communities, and the ongoing research and availability of resources to serve Californians impacted.