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California lawmaker pushes to tighten recall rules

California State Sen. Josh Newman, a Democrat who lost his seat in California in a recall election before winning it back, is working to raise the constitutional bar in the state.

"The recalls are like trick plays like you would see in sports," said Newman, speaking to CNN today. "If you can't win a regular election, you go to the recall card."

Newman won the 29th District seat in 2016 but lost it in a recall in 2018. He won back the seat in the 2020 election.

"We need to draft legislation that will keep special interests and money from exploiting the recall laws," said Newman.

Newman wants to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot that would raise California's threshold for the percentage of signatures needed to hold a recall of elected officials.

Read more: (29) California lawmaker pushes to tighten recall rules (