
Keeping You Covered: Medi-Cal Redetermination



Dear Friend and Neighbor,

Have you recently received Medi-Cal renewal paperwork in your mailbox? This summer, the annual renewal process for Medi-Cal, known as Medi-Cal redetermination, is scheduled to take place as part of the termination of the Federal Government’s COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.

County health departments across California are working to ensure that income-eligible Californians continue to retain their coverage. 

As a result, it's very important that if either you or other members of your family are enrolled in the program, you keep an eye out for renewal paperwork in your mailbox.

Also, if your address or contact information has changed, please visit to update your information, or call your county social services agency to ensure that you receive your renewal materials and further updates regarding your coverage.

Questions? Please call my district office at 714-525-2342. We'd be happy to assist you.